Ways to Give
Mission Statement

General Support

Not all of the Foundation’s supporters are in a position to name an endowed Jefferson Scholarship, Fellowship or Professorship. The Foundation invites these donors to make a one-time or a recurring gift to the Foundation at a level that suits their financial situation best. All gifts, no matter the size, are invested in the Foundation’s endowment. That means that all gifts have a lasting impact on the Foundation. They can be made at any size, and they can be restricted or unrestricted.

Give a gift

Naming Opportunities

The Jefferson Scholars Foundation offers its benefactors the opportunity to name Scholarships, Fellowships, and Professorships. The current minimum funding level for a named Jefferson Scholarship and and a named Darden Jefferson Fellowship is $1,000,000. Named Walentas Scholarships and Jefferson Fellowships in the Arts & Sciences and Engineering may be created with gifts totaling $500,000. Professorships have a naming level of $5 million.

Many of the Foundation’s benefactors have extended pledges over several years knowing that it will take time for them to achieve their goal.  Others have family and friends contribute to their fund with the hopes that over a period of time and with a certain number of commitments, they get their Scholarship, Fellowship or Professorship fully funded.  Benefactors who are interested in this type of long-term investment receive status reports on their giving each year and are invited to many of the Foundation’s student-donor events throughout the year. For more information, please contact Pat Ingram, Vice President and Director of Development.

List of Foundation Benefactors

Planned Giving

Planned gifts are often used as part of an overall strategy to meet an individual’s particular financial, philanthropic, and estate planning needs. From bequests and life insurance policies to gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts, there are multiple ways to extend support to the Jefferson Scholars Foundation while retaining personal financial benefits. To discuss options that are right for you and your family or for more information, please contact Kevin Murray, Director of Gift Planning.

A Guide to Gift Planning